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Welcome to our Mosprey-mere page.
With one or two notes about the 2nd of the Blues.
I’d always wanted to try the rippled water effect on a shield (it’s called ‘barry wavy silver and blue’ in heraldry). And that - plus a desire to use blue and white with touches of yellow - is how the shield of Serene Mosprey-mere came about.
In the story, Mosprey-mere was the original ‘wild county’. So wild that it was the last realm to become part of the Swan Kingdom, and even then only after a duel between the Swan King and the Osprey Chieftain.
Yet being the last never stopped the people of Mosprey-mere from being the first to answer the call to battle. And, along with Weathermere itself, is not only one of the two Blues, but also one of the two Meres of the collection.
“Solar Osprey and Lunar Swan;
Once fought each other;
Now ride, fly and fight together.”
Best Wishes
Del Elle